/* =========================================== master_script.js, Version 1.66 =========================================== */ var isLayoutSwitch = document.body.classList.contains('design2019'); // True, wenn aktuelle Seite Startseite ist var isHome = false; if (document.getElementById('content-home') != null) isHome = true; // True, wenn aktuelle Seite Splashpage ist var isSplash = false; if (document.getElementById('content-splashpage') != null) isSplash = true; // Breiten für unterschiedliche Ausgabegrößen var mobileBreak = 767; if(isLayoutSwitch) { var desktopBreak = 1249; var useBreakpoint = desktopBreak; } else { var screenBreak = 1107; var wideBreak = 1779; var useBreakpoint = screenBreak; } // Client values, siehe function getClientValues() var w, d, e, g, x, y; // True, wenn Suchfeld ausgewählt ist var searchFieldOnFocus = false; // Parameter für Fancybox var fbParams = { fitToView: false, width: '80%', height: 'auto', padding: 0, autoSize: false, closeClick: false, openEffect: 'none', closeEffect: 'none', helpers: { title: null }, beforeLoad: function() { if (typeof dataLayer !== "undefined") dataLayer.push({'event': 'gtm.fancybox'}); } }; // movingimage var isFullscreenVideo = false; /** * Ermittelt Höhe, Breite, Document, Window, Body und speichert die Werte global */ function getClientValues() { w = window; d = document; e = d.documentElement; g = d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; x = w.innerWidth || e.clientWidth || g.clientWidth; // Breite, mit Fallback für verschiedene Browser y = w.innerHeight || e.clientHeight|| g.clientHeight; // Höhe, mit Fallback für verschiedene Browser } /** * Hook für Funktionen, die nach dem Nachladen neuer Inhalte ausgeführt werden sollen */ var onDomChangedFunctions = []; function domChanged(selector) { var s = ''; if(selector !== undefined && selector !== null) { s = selector + ' '; } for(var i = 0; i < onDomChangedFunctions.length; i++) { onDomChangedFunctions[i](s); } } /** * Öffnet bzw. schließt Dropdown in Mobilansicht */ function toggleMobileNav() { var htmlNode = document.documentElement; var pageWrap = document.getElementById('top'); var adBannerTop = document.getElementById('ad-banner-top'); var adBannerTopHeight = 0; // Anpassung der Höhe, wenn Banner angezeigt wird if (adBannerTop != null) adBannerTopHeight = adBannerTop.offsetHeight; var headerHeight = 10 + adBannerTopHeight; var headerIcon = document.querySelector('.mobile-nav-toggle'); if (headerIcon) { headerHeight = headerHeight + headerIcon.offsetHeight; } var mobileNav = document.getElementById('nav-mobile'); var mobileNavMarginTop = headerHeight; //if (x >= y) mobileNavMarginTop = 0; if (pageWrap.style.overflow == '') { htmlNode.style.height = '100%'; pageWrap.style.overflow = 'hidden'; pageWrap.style.position = 'fixed'; pageWrap.style.height = (y-10)+'px'; pageWrap.style.paddingBottom = '0'; mobileNav.style.marginTop = mobileNavMarginTop+'px'; mobileNav.style.height = (y-mobileNavMarginTop)+'px'; } else { htmlNode.style.height = '101%'; pageWrap.style.overflow = ''; pageWrap.style.position = 'inherit'; pageWrap.style.height = 'auto'; pageWrap.style.paddingBottom = '8px'; mobileNav.style.height = 'auto'; } mobileNav.classList.toggle('show-nav-mobile'); $('.mobile-nav-toggle').toggleClass('mobile-nav-toggle-active'); } /** * Schließt Dropdown in Mobilansicht */ function closeMobileNav() { var htmlNode = document.documentElement; var pageWrap = document.getElementById('top'); var mobileNav = document.getElementById('nav-mobile'); if (pageWrap.style.overflow == 'hidden') { htmlNode.style.height = '101%'; pageWrap.style.overflow = ''; pageWrap.style.position = 'inherit'; pageWrap.style.height = 'auto'; pageWrap.style.paddingBottom = '8px'; mobileNav.style.height = 'auto'; mobileNav.classList.toggle('show-nav-mobile'); } $('.mobile-nav-toggle').removeClass('mobile-nav-toggle-active'); } /** * Verkleinert den Header und blendet den Werbebanner aus, wenn nach unten gescrollt wird * Setzt den Ausgangszustand zurück, wenn ganz nach oben gescrollt wurde * * @param {scrollTop} Scroll-Offset (von oben) */ function setOnScrolling(scrollTop){ // Advertisment Banner (top) var adBannerTop = document.getElementById('ad-banner-top'); if (adBannerTop != null) { (scrollTop > 0) ? adBannerTop.style.display = 'none' : adBannerTop.style.display = 'block'; } // Header var fixedArea = $('#screen-fixed'); var mainNavActive = $('#nav-main'); // Footer var footer = document.getElementById('footer'); if (footer != null) { var footerHeight = $('footer').height(); var footerOffsetTop = footer.offsetTop; } else { var footerHeight = 0; var footerOffsetTop = 0; } // Set Classes if (scrollTop > 0 && y < (+footerOffsetTop+footerHeight)) { $('body').addClass('on-scrolling'); fixedArea.addClass('on-scrolling'); mainNavActive.addClass('on-scrolling'); } else { $('body').removeClass('on-scrolling'); fixedArea.removeClass('on-scrolling'); mainNavActive.removeClass('on-scrolling'); } } /** * Ermittelt Scroll-Offset und führt Aktionen aus */ function onScrolling() { var scrollTop = (window.pageYOffset !== undefined) ? window.pageYOffset : (document.documentElement || document.body.parentNode || document.body).scrollTop; setOnScrolling(scrollTop); } /** * Fixiert Footer bei großen Auflösungen am unteren Bildrand */ function fixFooter() { if (x > useBreakpoint && !isLayoutSwitch) { var page = document.getElementById('page'); if (y > (page.offsetTop + page.offsetHeight)) { $('body').addClass('fixed-footer'); $('#footer').addClass('fixed'); } else { $('body').removeClass('fixed-footer'); $('#footer').removeClass('fixed'); } } } /** * Scrollt zu einem bestimmten Element, auch in Tabs oder Akkordeons * * @param {hash} CSS-Selektor für das Element */ function scrollToElement(hash){ var isScroll = false; if($(hash).length){ if (x > useBreakpoint && !isLayoutSwitch) { setOnScrolling(1); } var elementPosition = 0; var headerHeight = 0; if (x > useBreakpoint) { if (document.getElementById('screen-fixed') != null){ headerHeight = document.getElementById('screen-fixed').offsetHeight; } else if (isLayoutSwitch && document.getElementById('header') != null) { headerHeight = document.getElementById('header').offsetHeight; } headerHeight = headerHeight + 20; isScroll = true; } if ($(hash).selector.indexOf('-tab') >= 0 && $(hash).parent('.tab-navigation')) { // Tab-Navigation --> select tab var tabNr = $(hash).selector.split("-tab")[1]; // if tabs are not numbered, find tab if(!isInt(tabNr)){ tabNr = $(hash).parent('.tab-navigation').children('.ui-tabs-panel').index($(hash)) + 1; } elementPosition = $(hash).parent('.tab-navigation').offset().top; $(hash).parent('.tab-navigation').tabs({ active: (tabNr-1)}); isScroll = true; } else if ($(hash).selector.indexOf('-acc') >= 0 && $(hash).parent('.accordion-navigation')) { // Accordion-Navigation --> open accordion var accNr = $(hash).selector.split("-acc")[1]; elementPosition = $(hash).prev().offset().top; $(hash).parent('.accordion-navigation').accordion({ active: (accNr-1)}); isScroll = true; } else if ($(hash).hasClass('fancybox-content')) { // Fancybox --> open $.fancybox.open($(hash),fbParams); } else if ($(hash).hasClass('filter-group') || $(hash).hasClass('filter-group-mobile')) { // Filter if (x > useBreakpoint || $(hash).hasClass('filter-group-mobile')) { var filterGroup = $(hash).data('filter-group'); $('.filter-group, .filter-group-mobile').each(function(){ if ($(this).data('filter-group') == filterGroup) { $(this).hide(); } }); $(hash).show(); } elementPosition = $(hash).offset().top; } else if ($(hash).hasClass('mi24')) { isScroll = false; } else if ($(hash).closest('.image-accordion-header').length) { isScroll = false; } else if($(hash).offset()) { var tab = $(hash).parents('.ui-tabs-panel'); if(tab.length > 0){ // Anchor within Tab-Navigation var tabNr = tab.prevAll('.ui-tabs-panel').length; tab.closest('.ui-tabs').tabs({ active: tabNr}); } var acc = $(hash).parents('.ui-accordion-content'); if(acc.length > 0) { // Anchor within Accordion-Navigation var accNr = acc.prevAll('.ui-accordion-content').length; acc.closest('.accordion-navigation').accordion({ active: accNr}); isScroll = false; setTimeout(function() { elementPosition = $(hash).offset().top; $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: (elementPosition - headerHeight)}, 1000); },450); } else { isScroll = true; } elementPosition = $(hash).offset().top; } if (isScroll) { $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: (elementPosition - headerHeight)}, 1000); } } } /** * Setzt Scroll-Funktion auf Links mit der Klasse 'al' * */ function adjustAnchors() { anchorLinks = document.getElementsByClassName('al'); for (var i = 0; i < anchorLinks.length; i++) { // nur Links innerhalb der Seite anpassen if (anchorLinks[i].getAttribute('href').split('#')[0].toString().trim().length == 0) { anchorLinks[i].onclick = function() { scrollToElement('#' + this.getAttribute('href').split('#')[1].toString()); return false; }; } } } // Setzt Scroll-Funktion auf Links mit der Klasse 'ScrollTop' var topLinks = document.getElementsByClassName('link-top'); for (var i = 0; i < topLinks.length; i++) { topLinks[i].onclick = function () { window.scrollTo(0,0); return false; }; } /** * Passt Kachelhöhe auf Startseite und Splashpage an mobile Bildschirmgröße an * (so dass Kacheln quadratisch, bzw. doppelt so breit wie hoch bleiben) * * @param {resizeBig} wenn true, wird die große quadratische Kachel auf die halbe Höhe verkleinert */ function mobileTileHeight(resizeBig) { var borderWidth = 2; var tileSectionWidth = (document.getElementById('tiles-section') || document.getElementById('tiles-section-left')).offsetWidth; var tileMargin = 0; var tileWidth = 0; if(document.getElementById('tile-2') !== null) { tileMargin = window.getComputedStyle(document.getElementById('tile-2')).getPropertyValue('margin-right'); tileWidth = (tileSectionWidth-parseInt(tileMargin))/2 - 1; } var tilesText = document.getElementsByClassName('tile-single-text'); for (var i = 0; i < tilesText.length; i++) { tilesText[i].style.width = (tileWidth-borderWidth)+'px'; tilesText[i].style.maxWidth = (tileWidth-borderWidth)+'px'; tilesText[i].style.height = (tileWidth-borderWidth)+'px'; tilesText[i].style.maxHeight = (tileWidth-borderWidth)+'px'; } var tilesBig = $('.tile-big'); for (var i = 0; i < tilesBig.length; i++) { if (resizeBig) { tilesBig[i].style.height = tileWidth +'px'; tilesBig[i].style.maxHeight = tileWidth+'px'; } else { tilesBig[i].style.height = tilesBig[i].offsetWidth+'px'; tilesBig[i].style.maxHeight = tilesBig[i].offsetWidth+'px'; } } $('.stage').each(function (index, element) { var bgUrl = $(element).data('image-narrow'); $(element).css('background-image', 'url(' + bgUrl + ')'); }); } /** * Fügt Meta-Navigation und Sprachauswahl im Footer ein */ function moveMobileNav() { $('#nav-meta').insertBefore($('#nav-footer')).addClass('show-mobile'); $('#nav-lang').insertBefore($('#footer-copyright')).addClass('show-mobile'); if($('#header').has($('#nav-social-div'))) { $('#nav-social').insertBefore($('#footer-copyright')).addClass('show-mobile'); } $('#nav-mblogo').insertBefore($('#footer-copyright')).addClass('show-mobile'); } /** * Entfernt Meta-Navigation und Sprachauswahl aus dem Footer */ function moveMobileNavBack() { $('#nav-meta').insertAfter($('#nav-meta-div')).removeClass('show-mobile'); $('#nav-lang').insertAfter($('#nav-lang-div')).removeClass('show-mobile'); if($('#header').has($('#nav-social-div'))) { $('#nav-social').insertAfter($('#nav-social-div')).removeClass('show-mobile'); } $('#nav-mblogo').insertAfter($('#sr-navigation')).removeClass('show-mobile'); } /** * Passt Kachelhöhe auf Startseite und Splashpage an normale Bildschirmgröße an * (so dass Kacheln quadratisch, bzw. doppelt so breit wie hoch bleiben) * * @param {tileSize} Höhe der kleinen Kacheln * @param {tileSize} Höhe der großen Kachel */ function resetTileHeight(tileSize, tileSizeBig) { var borderWidth = 2; var tilesText = document.getElementsByClassName('tile-single-text'); for (var i = 0; i < tilesText.length; i++) { tilesText[i].style.width = (tileSize-borderWidth)+'px'; tilesText[i].style.maxWidth = (tileSize-borderWidth)+'px'; tilesText[i].style.height = (tileSize-borderWidth)+'px'; tilesText[i].style.maxHeight = (tileSize-borderWidth)+'px'; } var tilesBig = $('.tile-big'); for (var i = 0; i < tilesBig.length; i++) { tilesBig[i].style.height = tileSizeBig+'px'; tilesBig[i].style.maxHeight = tileSizeBig+'px'; } // if (document.getElementById('tile-big')) { // document.getElementById('tile-big').style.height = tileSizeBig+'px'; // document.getElementById('tile-big').style.maxHeight = tileSizeBig+'px'; // } $('.stage').each(function (index, element) { var bgUrl = $(element).data('image-wide'); $(element).css('background-image', 'url(' + bgUrl + ')'); }); } /** * Passt Größe der Suchfeld-Kachel auf der Homepage an und blendet Bereich für Vorschläge ein und aus * * @param {animate} wenn true, wird die Größenänderunge animiert */ function resetHomeSearchTile(animate) { var tile_search = $('#tile-search'); var tile_width = tile_search.width(); var tile_height = tile_search.height(); var finalWidth; var finalHeight; var finalOpacity; $('.tile-search-content').css('top', (tile_height-1)+'px'); if (searchFieldOnFocus) { var tile_next = tile_search.next('div'); var tile_margin = tile_next.offset().left - tile_search.offset().left - tile_width; finalWidth = tile_margin + 2*tile_width; finalHeight = tile_height + $('.tile-search-content').height() + 60; finalOpacity = '0.95'; } else { finalWidth = tile_width; finalHeight = tile_height; finalOpacity = '1'; } $('.search-field-and-icon').css({'height': tile_height+'px'}); if (animate) { $('.tile-search-inner').animate({'width' : finalWidth+'px', 'height': finalHeight+'px', 'opacity': finalOpacity}, 'slow'); } else { $('.tile-search-inner').css({'width': finalWidth+'px', 'height': finalHeight+'px', 'opacity': finalOpacity}); } } /** * Passt Größe der Suchfeld-Kachel auf der Splashpage an und blendet Bereich für Vorschläge ein und aus * * @param {animate} wenn true, wird die Größenänderunge animiert */ function resetSplashSearchTile(animate) { var tile_search = $('#tile-search'); var tile_width = tile_search.width(); var tile_height = tile_search.height(); var tile_left; var finalWidth; var finalHeight; var finalOpacity; $('.tile-search-content').css('top', (tile_height-1)+'px'); if (searchFieldOnFocus) { var tile_prev = tile_search.prev('div'); var tile_margin = tile_search.offset().left - tile_prev.offset().left - tile_prev.width(); finalWidth = tile_margin + 2*tile_width; finalHeight = tile_height + $('.tile-search-content').height() + 60; finalOpacity = '0.95'; tile_left = 0 - tile_margin - tile_width - 1; } else { finalWidth = tile_width; finalHeight = tile_height; finalOpacity = '1'; tile_left = -1; } $('.search-field-and-icon').css({'height': tile_height+'px'}); if (animate) { $('.tile-search-inner').animate({'left' : tile_left+'px', 'width' : finalWidth+'px', 'height': finalHeight+'px', 'opacity': finalOpacity}, 'slow'); } else { $('.tile-search-inner').css({'left' : tile_left+'px', 'width': finalWidth+'px', 'height': finalHeight+'px', 'opacity': finalOpacity}); } } /** * Passt Größe der Suchfeld-Kachel auf Content-Seiten an und blendet Bereich für Vorschläge ein und aus * * @param {animate} wenn true, wird die Größenänderunge animiert */ function resizeSearchTile(animate) { var searchTile = $('.nav-level2-search'); var sibling = searchTile.next('li'); var tileMargin = parseFloat(searchTile.css('margin-right')); var tileHeight = searchTile.height(); var finalWidth; var finalHeight; var finalOpacity; if (searchFieldOnFocus) { if(sibling.length > 0){ finalWidth = searchTile.width() + 2*(sibling.width()) + 2*tileMargin + 4; }else{ var tilePadding = parseFloat(searchTile.css('padding-right'))+parseFloat(searchTile.css('padding-left')); finalWidth = 3*searchTile.width() + 2*(tileMargin+tilePadding) + 4; } finalHeight = tileHeight + $('.tile-search-content').height() +40; finalOpacity = '.95'; } else { finalWidth = searchTile.width(); finalHeight = tileHeight; finalOpacity = '1'; } $('.search-field-and-icon').css('height', tileHeight+'px'); $('.tile-search-icon').css('margin-top', (tileHeight * 0.10)+'px'); $('.tile-search-icon').css('margin-bottom', (tileHeight * 0.095) + 'px'); if (animate) { $('.tile-search-inner').animate({'width': finalWidth+'px', 'height': finalHeight+'px', 'opacity': finalOpacity}, 'slow'); } else { $('.tile-search-inner').css({'width': finalWidth+'px', 'height': finalHeight+'px', 'opacity': finalOpacity}); } } /** * Initialisiert Masterscript-Funktionen * * @param {resize} zur Zeit nicht berücksichtigt */ function init(resize) { if(typeof resize == 'undefined') resize = false; if (!resize && $('.mi24').length > 0) { // check tracking for MovingImages (class 'mi24') based on Usercentric result var checkMI24Analytics = function() { if (VideoPlayer && UC_UI && UC_UI.isInitialized()) { var mi24_info = UC_UI.getServicesBaseInfo().find((info) => info.name === "NPAW Video Analytics"); if (mi24_info && mi24_info.consent && mi24_info.consent.status) { VideoPlayer.Collection.acceptAnalytics(); } else { VideoPlayer.Collection.rejectAnalytics(); } } }; $(window).on('UC_UI_INITIALIZED', (e) => { checkMI24Analytics(); }); $(window).on("UC_UI_CMP_EVENT", (e) => { if (e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.detail && ["ACCEPT_ALL","SAVE","DENY_ALL"].includes(e.originalEvent.detail.type)) { checkMI24Analytics(); } }); } getClientValues(); // Fancybox $('.fancybox').fancybox({ helpers: { title : { type : 'inside' } }, beforeLoad: function() { if (typeof dataLayer !== "undefined") dataLayer.push({'event': 'gtm.fancybox'}); } }); $('.tablet-col-12').parent().addClass('col-tablet-12'); $('.tablet-col-6').parent().addClass('col-tablet-6'); $('.no-padding-bottom').parent().addClass('no-padding-bottom'); $('.no-padding-top').parent().addClass('no-padding-top'); // Fancybox (pageflip) $('.fancybox-pageflip').fancybox({ helpers: { title: null, buttons : { position: 'bottom', tpl: '
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player.play(); }); } } }); }); // responsive Images $('picture').picture(); $('body').imagesLoaded( function() { if (document.body.classList.contains('body--has-htmlcontent')) { setTimeout(fixFooter, 500); } else { fixFooter(); } } ); // Homepage if (isHome) { // Kacheln if (isLayoutSwitch) { if (x > useBreakpoint) { resetTileHeight(196, 399); } else if (x < useBreakpoint && x > mobileBreak) { resetTileHeight(170, 345); } else { mobileTileHeight(); } } else { if (x > wideBreak) { resetTileHeight(242, 494); } else if (x > screenBreak) { resetTileHeight(166, 337); } else if (x < screenBreak && x > mobileBreak) { resetTileHeight(170, 345); } else { mobileTileHeight(); } } window.setTimeout(function(){resetHomeSearchTile(true);}, 400); // Suche $('.tile-search-content').show(); // video if ($("#bgvideo source")) { if (x > mobileBreak) { $("#bgvideo source").each(function(){ if (!$(this).attr("src")){ if ($(this).data("src")) { $(this).attr("src",$(this).data("src")); $(this).parent().load(); } } }); } } } // Splashpage if (isSplash) { // Kacheln if (x > useBreakpoint) { resetTileHeight(196, 399); } else if (x < useBreakpoint && x > mobileBreak) { resetTileHeight(170, 345); } else { mobileTileHeight(true); } resetSplashSearchTile(false); // Suche $('.tile-search-content').show(); } // Contentpage if (!isHome && !isSplash) { // Suche resizeSearchTile(); $('.tile-search-content').show(); // Listen $("li:has(ul)").addClass("nested"); $("#content li.nested").each(function(index) { var firstListChild = $(this).get(0).firstChild.nodeName; if($(this).get(0).firstChild.nodeType == 3 || firstListChild == "B" || firstListChild == "I") { $(this).removeClass("nested"); } }); } // Mobile if (x < mobileBreak && !isLayoutSwitch) { moveMobileNav(); closeMobileNav(); } if (x >= mobileBreak && !isLayoutSwitch) { moveMobileNavBack(); } // Silbentrennung if (!resize && (isHome || isSplash || x > mobileBreak)) { hyphenate(); } adjustAnchors(); // Screen if (x > useBreakpoint && !isLayoutSwitch) { if (!isHome && !isSplash) window.onscroll = onScrolling; } } /** * Initialisiert Funktionen für Klicks in Suchfelder */ function initClickFunctions() { if (isHome || isSplash) { if (isHome) { $('#gsa-search-input').click(function(){ searchFieldOnFocus = true; resetHomeSearchTile(true); }); } else { $('#gsa-search-input').click(function(){ searchFieldOnFocus = true; resetSplashSearchTile(true); }); } $('html').click(function(){ searchFieldOnFocus = false; if (isHome) { resetHomeSearchTile(true); } else { resetSplashSearchTile(true); } }); $('#tile-search').click(function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); }); } else { $(window).resize(function(){ resizeSearchTile(false); }); $('#gsa-search-input').click(function(){ searchFieldOnFocus = true; resizeSearchTile(true); }); $('html').click(function(){ searchFieldOnFocus = false; resizeSearchTile(true); }); $('.nav-level2-search').click(function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); }); } } /** * Lädt Inhalte von Akkordeons per AJAX nach * @param {uiNewPanel} Akkordeon-Panel, welches geladen werden soll */ function loadAccordionAjaxContent(uiNewPanel) { try { if (typeof jQuery.ui != 'undefined') { var accUrl = uiNewPanel.find('a.accordion-navigation-external-link').attr('href'); var accContent = uiNewPanel.find('.accordion-navigation-external-content'); if (accUrl != "" && accContent.html() == "") { $.ajax({ url: accUrl, success: function(html) { accContent.html(html).promise().done(function(){ $('picture').picture(); $('.tooltip').tooltip({track: true}); $(this).show(); }); }, error: function(xhr, status, error) { accContent.html(xhr.responseText); } }); } } } catch(e) { } } // Helper jQuery.fn.resize_delayed = function (func, duration){ this.resize(function() { clearTimeout(window._resize_delayed); window._resize_delayed = setTimeout(func, duration); }); }; /** * Überprüft, ob sich ein Eingabewert als Integer darstellen lässt * @param {x} Eingabewert * @return true, wenn es ein Integer-Wert ist, false, wenn nicht */ function isInt(x) { var y = parseInt(x, 10); return !isNaN(y) && x == y && x.toString() == y.toString(); } /** * Ermittelt die Version des verwendeten Internet Explorers * * @author webfox * @since 0.30 * @return float mit Version, wenn ein Internet Explorer genutzt wird, sonst -1 */ function getInternetExplorerVersion() { var rv = -1; if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) rv = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); } return rv; } /** * Setzt bei Bestätigung den Cookie und blendet den Cookie-Hinweis aus * * @author webfox * @since 0.44 * @return sets cookie and hides cookie notice if confirmed */ function handleCookie() { var cookie = document.cookie; if (!cookie.match(/mb_accept_cookies\s*\=\s*true/g)) { $('#cookie-overlay').show(); $('#cookie-overlay .cookie-confirm').click(function() { var expires = new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 31536000000).toGMTString(); // 1 year document.cookie = "mb_accept_cookies=true;SameSite=Lax;expires=" + expires + ";path=/"; $('#cookie-overlay').hide(); }); } } $(document).ready(function() { // Init try { init(); initClickFunctions(); domChanged(); } catch(e) { } // Resize $(window).resize_delayed(function(){ try { init(true); } catch(e) { } }, 250); // handle cookie handleCookie(); }); $(window).load(function(){ try{ // Contentpage // if (!isHome && !isSplash) { // jQuery UI if (typeof jQuery.ui != 'undefined') { $('.tab-navigation:not(.tab-navigation-load)').tabs({ heightStyle: 'content', create: function(event, ui) { $('.widget-navigation-loading').hide(); $(this).show(); }, activate: function(event, ui) { if(ui.newPanel && ui.newPanel.hasClass("activateTab")){ $.fn.activateTab(ui.newPanel.selector); } fixFooter(); }, load: function(event, ui) { $('picture').picture(); } }); $('.accordion-navigation:not(.accordion-navigation-load)').accordion({ header: '.accordion-navigation-link', active: false, collapsible: true, heightStyle: 'content', create: function(event, ui) { $('.widget-navigation-loading').hide(); $(this).show(); }, activate: function(event, ui) { if(ui.newHeader && ui.newHeader.attr('id')){ scrollToElement('#'+ui.newHeader.attr('id')); } fixFooter(); }, beforeActivate: function(event, ui) { if (ui.newHeader.length > 0) { if ($(ui.newPanel).hasClass('accordion-content-external')) { loadAccordionAjaxContent($(ui.newPanel)); 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